Complacent's Profile

" Place"

  • Kudu
  • Fooxie
  • Butterfairy
  • Bi-Eyes

Place is a gentle spirit; compassionate, merciful and understanding. Her pelt and markings seem to put other Canids off, unfortunately, especially when she turns her "dark side" to them. They see such a contrast that they seem to assume she has a different side to her personality, but it's all aesthetic.

Her eye has always been a bit of a sore spot for her, being so stark white against her mahogany fur. It was said that her father was a Seer, and that his eyes shone with the ability to view the mystical. Her mother was simply graceful and beautiful, from whom she received her wings. As large as they are, she can only flutter a few feet above the ground. This ends up being an insecurity as well.

Place surrounds herself with flowering plants and butterflies. She can commune with the plants, and keeps a constant supply of butterflies and their various life cycles around to benefit her friends. From their petals, leaves, and roots, she concocts potions to benefit herself and other Canids for a variety of minor illnesses.

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Mito
Artist: R-Russa
Gender: Female
Poses: Standard
Others: Bi-Eyes
Mutations: Butterfairy , Fooxie
Mini-Mutations: Kudu


Parentage: Rhinn , Emrys


Striped Leflet