The Team

Name: Thunderbun
Country: United States
Birthday: June 27th
Role: Owner, Lead Artist
Been on the team since... : Tbun has been on the team since January of 2007 and took over the adoptable in the winter of 2012!
Favourite Colours: Yellow/white/pale yellow/gold or yellow/navy/pale yellow /white/blue
Hobbies: Canids, lots of Canids... wildlife biology, cooking, trying new restaurants, Pokemon
Bits 'n bobs!
Tbun is a soon-to-be graduate student in population and conservation biology. She spends most of her free time working on Canids, hanging out with her awesome boyfriend and her sister Dust_Bunny and taking her pooches Harley and Belle to the dog park. She can also be spotted at the Alamo Drafthouse, eating delicious food and watching the latest scifi/superhero/fantasy/action movie!

Name: Kyrislian
Country: Brunei
Birthday: 1st Nov
Role: Web Master, Certist, Occasional Artist
Been on the team since... : Joined up the same time as TBun did!
Favourite Colours: Blue, black, red, purple, orange, gold, silver
Hobbies: In no particular order; gaming (All sorts! Card games, board games, video games), hanging out with my pets, programming, writing, reading, nail art
Bits 'n bobs!
Absolute coffee-holic, obsessed with cookies and anything shiny. Can't spell to save her life, and also has a tendency to talk about herself in the third person. Used to be an avid betta breeder; might get back into it one day! Love making up characters, then giving them the most morbid backgrounds ever. Current love of her life is an albino hedgehog called Captain Spikeybutt McGrumpyPants. Also, cannot be trusted in the kitchen without setting something or herself on fire.
To represent the dual nature of my personality

Name: Cryptic
Country: USA
Birthday: April 13th
Role: Artist III
Been on the team since...: August 2010
Favourite Colours: Black, purple, white, cyan, brown and other natural/earthy color combinations
Hobbies: Drawing, roleplaying, writing, reading, video games, collecting trinkets
Bits 'n bobs!
I'm currently in college and trying to find my way about things. In my free time, I'm usually found spending time with my best friends, the Chain Gang, or doing arty things, writing roleplays with my best friend and playing video games. I love horror survival games, but those aren't the only things I play! I also watch many a nerdy TV show as well as movies. I adore my pets, my little menagerie of ferrets and rodents, as well!
Ya'll can call me Cryptic or Fuzzy, both work for me.

Name: YourLittleHermione
Country: USA
Birthday: March 5th
Role: Artist III
Been on the team since...: August 2010
Favourite Colours: All shades of green, red, blue, and brown. Large love of earth tones mixed with pastels
Hobbies: Drawing, D&D, Video Games, attending Conventions(Both Anime and Furry)
Bits 'n bobs!
A few other random bits about you that you would like to share, like a self-summary: I'm just an average girl who spends her day working on art that she loves the most. I live at home with my mom and sister and my adorable kitty Yuki. I love going to conventions and meeting new people.

Name: CassiaDawn
Country: Canada
Birthday: 9th Nov
Role: Artist II
Been on the team since...: 2008 I believe...
Favourite Colours: Blue, rainbow
Hobbies: Pottery, reading (mostly fantasy), PI, html/css, computer games, poetry, photography, hiking, archery, cooking/baking, sewing, traveling, animals, dragons, etc, etc, etc! I have far more interests than I have time...
Bits 'n bobs!
Born and raised in Saskatchewan, my husband and I moved out of the city and onto 80 acres of land in 2008. We raise our own sheep and Irish Dexter cattle, and usually have various other chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, dogs, and cats underfoot. We also have a little girl, Alexis, who was born in November of 2011... and who's growing up fast and keeping us on our toes! I have a BSc in Biology, and in the past I've fostered cats, as well as volunteering at the local zoo, and as a pick-up driver for the local wildlife rehab society.
Things I collect: Books, random plushies, knick-nacks, shiny things, dust...
If I were to describe myself in one word: Intense
Words I over-use: Meh, whee, sweet, doh!, okay dokay, XD
Punchline to my favorite joke: Show up naked.
Allons-y (Ally)

Name: Allons-y (Ally)
Country: Texas, USA
Birthday: 14th Dec
Role: Artist II
Been on the team since...: I have been a part of the team since December 2012, I'm one of the newbie artists!
Favourite Colours: I am a huge fan of pinks, Creams, Aqua, Purples and light greens and sometimes yellows
Hobbies: Costuming, drawing, Tumblr-ing, Does eating count? Basically anything that has to do with art, Painting, sketching photoshoping ect.
Bits 'n bobs!
My name is Alyssa! Current college sophomore Studying Concept art/ Illustration. I'm pretty much an all around nerd I love Doctor Who, Harry potter,Sherlock, Comics, Sharks and Teapots! Feel free to PM me at anytime! Cheers and DFTBA!
Rinoa Heartilly

Name: Rinoa Heartilly
Country: Norway
Birthday: 1st August
Role: Artist I
Been on the team since...: March 2013 ;)
Favourite Colours: Black, Purple, Cyan, White and Brown (all shades!)
Hobbies: Doodling, Gaming, Equine's and generally pirating about!
Bits 'n bobs!
A goofy viking who enjoys the game of life! ;) One day I will rule the seven seas with my trusty unicorn and pet werewolf!

Name: Russa
Role: Artist III
More info to come!
Rosie Apple
Name: Rosie Apple
Country: Ireland
Birthday: 2nd June
Role: Forum MOD and Site Helper
Been on the team since...: Officially, Jan. 2013
Favourite Colours: Oh eh......anything really. Black, white, red, cyan, purple, pink, mako green
Hobbies: Gaming, watching movies/ shows with friends and family, going for long walks on the beach . . . what, wrong place to mention that? Work takes up a fair bit of my time, oh for more hours in the day or at least a 4 day weekend lol.
Bits 'n bobs!
Oh lets see. I'm a hoarder, oh yes, I have skills. . . . which I'm sure is noticeable if you look at my pack page XD Hmmm what else, I have 3 tattoos with plans of more! I love travelling, just wish I had more money so I could do it more! Some of the places I have been to are: Barcelona, Amsterdam, Berlin, UK, Venice, Florence, Athens, Dubrovnik.
Heh I have 3 of them. One based on my username (though she needs updating), one based on my purrsona on PI, who's named after me (my name I was given by my biological mum before I was adopted) and my name.
Name: BabyKittenCandy/BKC
Country: England
Birthday: 28th Feb
Role: Forum MOD and Certist
Been on the team since...: I worked on the team a good few years back as a temporary certist and have had the joy to join the Team now its Under TBun's management.
Favourite Colours: Purple! Hmm.. silvers, cyans, Blues
Hobbies: I collect My Little Ponies, Play World of Warcraft and Make Jewellery.
Bits 'n bobs!
My husband and I have been together for 13 years. I have a young son. I love pets and currently have some ratties and I also enjoy keeping Betta fish.
I have a few 'parts' Nightmare is one
Name: Karasu
Country: Northern Ireland
Birthday: 21st May
Role: Forum MOD and Site Helper
Been on the team since...:: Unofficially I helped out a bit behind the scenes before the big changeover. I officially joined the team when Canids arrived - about Feb time! :D
Favourite Colours: Well. My Canidsona might give it away ..... Pink orange and Black are my favourites, with a little splash of green thrown in!
Hobbies: I enjoy Internetting (yes, thats a thing) and spending time with my other half. I also love to spend time collecting My Little Ponies (specifically all things Pinkie Pie) and Tattoos - they have more in common than you think!
Bits 'n bobs!
I have 11 tattoos, one facial piercing and I plan on getting loads more tattoos anyway! I have two spoiled Cats - Fat Cat or Wren and her sister Raven. I would love to travel the world eating ALL OF THE FOOD - I really really love food, like really. Its not even funny how much I love food XD