Asmodeus's Profile

Aloof - Intelligent - Morbid

Character Info:
Male demon (former angel) trapped within a female vessel. A foul mouthed tiny blonde vessel. This vessel's name is Emma. 5.2 and petite with chin length blonde curls. Emma is not the best vessel for intimidation. Unfortunately for Mo, he as a Prince of Hell kind of needs this intimidation. Oh well at least with this small mortal as his vessel no one will expect her of any horrid crimes. And just maybe he can teach her a few proper curse words befitting the vessel of a Prince of Hell...

Emma's Info:
Foul mouthed - Chirpy - Mentally strong
Emma is this foul mouthed petite blonde with a horrid sense of fashion. Like really bad. No shoes because shoes are lame, bright orange short shorts. Silver and black bikini top with little crosses on it, tan trench coat (always hanging open). Rosary (with a music note instead of a cross) around her neck, bracelets that resemble golden crowns on both wrists. Lastly diamond earrings in both ears. Her toes and fingernails are painted bright purple and lime green.

Emma is is fairly tan, all natural (based on her Latino heritage). Not too dark more of a golden tan. Her blonde hair (originally a dark brown but changed when Mo possessed her) is styled into chin length curls. Her eyes are a warm caramel brown. Tattoos litter her back and sides, as well as her arms.

Mo's Info:
6.2 with chin length dirty blonde curls, aristocrat facial features. Cold pale blue eyes, and pointed ears. Long claws on both his hands and his feet. Three eyes (of course haha). Dresses in all skin tight black outfits. Very graceful and slender. A golden crown upon his head (of course :P). Invisible (to mortals cept Emma) feathered wings. Wings that are formed out of solid ice yet move as any bird's wings would (demon logic never makes sense >.>). Appears in Emma's mind as an Aussie/Labradoodle mix. And very rarely in her dreams (his memories) as his true fallen angel form.

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Madd Fox
Artist: Mione
Gender: Male
Poses: Standard
Animations: Custom
Mutations: Feather Wing , Long Fur , Rex
Mini-Mutations: 3 eyes


Children: Mammon