Mars's Profile

Two sets of wings shudder in the suddenly very cold realm. Alerting the Dreamweaver to the presence of him. Very rarely does the Dark One care to pay him a visit. Best that the fiend does not stay for long, lest he damage the Dream realm beyond Mars' ability to fix. The shadows twist and dance with excitement. For their creator is back. A slender hand swipes through the shadows, disrupting their form and forming a path for him. Uncaring of their whines of unhappiness. He had a reason for being here and it was not to play with mindless creations. Cold blue eyes turn towards what remains of a mirror. Shards scattered throughout the Dream realm's heart. He lifts a single hand, in an attempt to retrieve the shards. A low growl halts his movements. No matter, it was unnecessary to provoke the Dreamweaver. The shards had long since become corrupted by the Dreamweaver's power. They no longer listened to their creator. There was no longer a reason to remain in this broken little realm. A slight shifting of the shadows and the Dreamweaver was once more alone. As he had always been...
Note to self:
Use Cyan and Pink potions for breeding with Shiva.
Note to self:
Use Cyan and Pink potions for breeding with Shiva.