Dauntless Distraction's Profile

Dauntless Distraction
Dauntless Distraction - The Fearless Diversion
Dauntless got his name from his lack of fear and bold attitude in a fight. He has no problem running directly up to an enemy to distract them from his real motives. His horns make him a tough enemy. His war paint was a gift from Caelum after Dauntless saved his life. No one knows what the markings mean, but they almost seem to glow when Dauntless is attacking an enemy.

Up for public breed

Dauntless Distraction Art
None yet!

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Karasu
Artist: R-Art Foxx
Gender: Male
Poses: Standard
Mutations: Hyrule , Unicorn
Mini-Mutations: Kudu


Children: Keahi