Bivrost's Profile


Bivrost consists of two ancient Norse words: "Biv", which means "shaking" and "rost" which means "road or "path".

Bivrost: the bridge between middle-earth and Asgard, the world of the gods - is hard to find. though it can be discerned as a shimmering rainbow in the skies. In the darkness of the arctic winder Bivrost can be viewed as a shaking path of colorful northern lights. Bivrost takes you to to a realm of eternal youth, where man is welcomed at the table with the Norse gods eating delightful food and drinking the best spirits. 

How did she come to me:
He was obtained through breeding

Coming soon to a Lykos near you...

Up for breed:
On a case by case basis.

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Cameron
Artist: R-Cryptic
Gender: Male
Poses: Standard
Mutations: Butterfairy , Donkey , Piccolo , Unicorn


Parentage: Chrysalin , Opal