Accalia's Profile

Age: 27
Mutations: Batwings
Mini Mutations: Vampire
Status: Currently unmated 
Ability/Power: She has the power of telekinesis, though it is highly under-developed. Strength of 10 canids.
Sub-pack: Nicola
Nickname: Lia, though only her brother calls her that.

A bit of history

Accalia was born a twin to Nashoba, born sick, and small, her parents tended to ignore her, giving her basic attention, while doting on their son who was large and healthy. She loved her brother though, and looked up to him. He was always so much stronger then she. Eventually, though, her awe turned a deep shade of green. She was tired of being sick and small. Unable to take care of herself, and went searching for the one thing she knew would give her strength. 

Nuntis came across Accalia smelling of the tangy scent the dying give of. She was intrigued with the emaciated canid, what strength her soul had, even as Accalia's last few breaths were leaving her body. Nuntis made a decision at that point to bring this fascinating creature to the darkness.

When Accalia opened her eyes again, for the first time, she was the strongest she had ever been. Her lungs were clear, her eyesight perfect, in fact better then perfect and her heart beat stronger then it ever had. 

Accalia, the strong, had been born. 


Nashoba ~ Twin Brother
Nuntis ~ Adoptive Mother

How did I get Accalia?

Accalia was a fortnightly $$ custom. Accalia means "she-wolf" in Latin.

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Momelena
Artist: R-Diction
Gender: Female
Poses: Standard
Animations: Snarl
Others: Bi-Eyes
Mutations: Bat Wing
Mini-Mutations: Vampire


Children: Miró