Nuntis's Profile


The killing was the best part. It was the dying I could not take.

Age: 49
Mutations: None
Mini Mutations: Vampire
Breed: Normal
Status: In a relationship with Accalia.
Ability/Power: Nuntis gains power from UV light. But it does burn itself into her skin.

A little info

Nuntis is as blood thirsty as they come. She enjoyed the demon attack, following behind their destruction, picking off the weaker lupines left behind. That was until she came across a small, young white lupine, hardly a little bit of light left in her, yet Accalia was holding onto life. Nuntis, ready to make another victim, stopped at the last second, deciding to listen to her heart for once and save the life of this lupine.

Accalia is now a possesion of Nuntis, and you will hardly find Nuntis too far from the white lupine.

Available for breed for the right price.

How did I get Nuntis?

Nuntis was a tricky fortnightly custom. I have stalked Glor-coloured lupines for a very long time, and asked her to colour one for me. (This was before she started doing them regularly). She agreed, and thus Nuntis was born. Nuntis means \"Sun wolf\" in latin.

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Momelena
Artist: R-Diction
Gender: Female
Poses: Standard
Mini-Mutations: Vampire


Children: Angana , Semira