Fire Dancer's Profile

Fire Dancer

Appreciate even the smallest of creatures.

Age: 23
Mutations: none
Mini Mutations: none
Status: Single
Ability/Power: FireDancer is able to create small jets of blue fire from her nostrils.

A bit of history

Firedancer is a lot like her mother. She truly looks for the good in everyone, and is always there when you need a helping paw.

Available for breed for the right price.

Taken by:

How did I get Firedancer?

I seen Winter had Firedancer for trade and I almost peed myself. Footprints is my most favourite lupine ever, and I figured I would never own her. So to own her beautiful daughter was such a privilage. To my astonishment, mother and daughter are now reunited in my pack forever.

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Momelena
Artist: R-Diction
Gender: Female
Poses: Standard
Others: Non Mutated


Children: Lampetia