Neve's Profile


Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.

Age: 27
Mutations: Batfeatherwings
Mini Mutations: Goatio
Status: Single
Ability/Power: She has the ability to see into the future by an hour. Though she tries not to alter it if she does not need to.

A bit of history

Neve \"fell through the sky\" one day, landing in our pack. Some of the more spiritual members believe she was an angel brought to the pack, while others believe she must have lost conciousness. Her goal in life is to bring \"peace\" to the canids, and believes we will only achieve that through befriending the demons.

Not available for breed.

How did I get Neve?

There were some sales going on for \"birthday boxes\". I was thrilled when I won one, as it was exactly 1 week before my birthday. T-bun in all her fabulous, wonderful, and amazingness gave me my dream lupine. Goatio and batfeather wings has been my grail since batfeather came out. Thank you T-bunny!

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Momelena
Artist: R-Thunderbun
Gender: Female
Poses: Standard
Double Mutations: BatFeather Wing
Mini-Mutations: Goatio


Children: Pistol , Alida , Coot , Mavi