Tink's Profile


Trust in hope. It is all you have.

Age: 19
Mutations: None
Mini Mutations: Special 1/2 goatio.
Status: Single
Ability/Power: She does not know what her powers are yet, but she knows her gem gets hot around certain lupines.

A bit of history

Tink is a half sister to Fire Dancer, but born from a father unknown. She knows her gem was the only thing belonging to the dad she'll never know. Carrying it eveywhere with her.

How did I get Tink?

Breeding season 2010. Feanor/Footprints baby. I've been looking forward to this baby for a long time. And I'm going to make it a goal to have Footprints bred to any specials I get lol!

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Momelena
Artist: R-Russa
Gender: Female
Poses: Standard
Others: Unique Mutations
