Dog Song's Profile

Dog Song
What happens when you you put too much of your soul into a song? What happens when your voice becomes greater than you? Coyote found that out the hard way when his voice became a living being, the Dog Song incarnate, the holder of histories, of deep personal tragedy, of whims, wants, rages, lusts, and all the loud, baying secrets spilled to the Moon. She became her own being with her own voice, and for a while, they sang in tandem, until she wanted to live as her own creature, feeling the need to carve out her own spot in existence. She was a new, fragile soul, and he wanted to keep her. But the Moon is a fickle Goddess and loved Dog Song greatly for her precocious self. From the graves of Coyote's kin, she constructed a body for Dog Song so that she could experience the mortal life and create her own songs. But Coyote was jealous of his lost voice, and destoyed her upon the eve of her birth. Enraged, Dog Song stripped his hide from him, leaving him naked and ashamed.

When the Goddess discovered them, both belligerent and blaming the other, she gave them a choice. They could both return to nothingness and be born again without knowledge or love of one another, or they could both exist, bearing love and hate as a set of scales, balanced and never swaying, their pact bound by the skull Dog Song carries to keep Coyote alive, and by the hide he carries as her totem. The Goddess gave them one choice for reprieve; should they, over the ages, learn to tip the scales to love and love alone, they would be able to exchange their totems and be their own, whole souls again, free to love or leave another.

But hate is strong and as seductive as love, and time has made grey lines blur and become sharp and cruel. Coyote is often the Trickster and Tormentor, and Dog Song the Siren and the Silence. He chases her throughout time as the Sun chases the Moon, and ever she flees, to turn tail and chase him once he gives way as does the Moon to the Sun.

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Rhaxma
Artist: Rinoa Heartilly
Gender: Female
Poses: Standard
Breeds with Mutations: Pharaoh-Heru
Others: Lineart Edit


Children: Sandalphon