Fae's Profile

Wherefore shall I roam?

She comes and goes as silent as a shadow; seen but unnoticed. Her coat is of inky darkness as she travels among realms and as she slips through the cracks of one world to the next, intricate runes carved right into the skin of her limbs and forehead flare an almost blinding bright blue. Much like the Pure Heart Fortuna, the scripts themselves are ancient and knowledge of them have long been lost in time.

She is neither a Goddess, nor an Elder. Neither a Pure Heart nor a Shadow. She is not a Vassal; her actions are her own and she listens to no one save the calling within her own soul. For she is a Wanderer, a Seeker, who is forever cursed to never find a true home.

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Kyrislian
Artist: R-Thunderbun
Gender: Female
Poses: Standard
Mutations: Hyrule , Unicorn


Children: Feyla