Slash's Profile
~I'm comfortable playing the fool~
Age: 18
Worships: Kukulkan, but not strongly.
Status: Single.
Strengths: Clever, agile, ambitious, very skilled at thievery.
Weaknesses: Weak-willed, unwilling to confront problems, no poker face whatsoever.
Personality: Slash is very playful and happy-go-lucky. A relentless optimist, he prefers to face difficulties with a laugh and a smile. This can get in him into trouble, as he often won't take things seriously and it has led to him getting hurt in the past.
A thief since he was very young, Slash has traveled to many places of Lunara. Raised by his sister, the two were separated when he was eight years old. He continued to survive without her, though the months immediately following her disappearance were some of the most miserable in his life. Slash resolved to always keep smiling from that point on, because he knew its what his sister would've wanted.Weaknesses: Weak-willed, unwilling to confront problems, no poker face whatsoever.
Personality: Slash is very playful and happy-go-lucky. A relentless optimist, he prefers to face difficulties with a laugh and a smile. This can get in him into trouble, as he often won't take things seriously and it has led to him getting hurt in the past.
Now at eighteen years old he still hopes that he'll run into his sister someday. He's certain she's still alive, as she seemed far to clever to let something like death catch her before she was good and ready for it.
Recently he's taken on an apprentice, named Tendaji. It's been a strained apprenticeship, to say the least, since Tendaji seems to think that he has nothing to learn from someone so young. Slash is determined to prove him wrong and hopes that his teachings will turn his pupil into a legendary thief.