Darkest Hour's Profile

Darkest Hour
Darkest is very mysterious. Her memories of the past are scrambled, and her thoughts and actions can oftentimes be very chaotic, making little or no sense. When shes not having one of her breakdowns, Darkest can run exceedingly fast and be very skillful when it comes to combat strategy. Her lightweight body, built for speed and stamina, leaves her lacking in physical combat ability. She also has regular mental breakdowns, which she calls scrambles where her thoughts and memories all rush at her at once, putting her in a kind of chaotic mental trance. Her actions while scrambled leave her vulnerable due to the reckless and nonsensical state shes left in until it passes.

Canid Notes


Owner's Name: Velg
Artist: R-Thunderbun
Gender: Female
Poses: Standard
Mini-Mutations: Saluki


Children: Serenity